
Sao Paulo: Walking Batman’s Alley

A family member who just returned from Sao Paulo tipped me to this constantly changing street gallery called Batman’s Alley.  Brash colors, stark angles and superb art work, Rua Gonçalo Afonso is an authentic open-air graffiti museum.(Above and below: from the Flickr site of traveller Stephanie Sykora – who has a terrific travel blog, here.)

I’ve posted before about Sao Paulo’s serious reputation for street art – with a post on Os Gemeos (see that post here) but I was unaware of this all-encompassing walk-through experience.  This video from the Wooster Collective is a good Batman’s Alley visual primer,  simple and well produced.

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9 thoughts on “Sao Paulo: Walking Batman’s Alley

  1. Reblogged this on anngrafics and commented:
    Global Art Junkie is one of my favorite blogs and this post really got my attention as it relates to ephemeral, public art. Now if I can just find a way to get to São Paulo for some “authorized” (read: financially supported) academic research … !

  2. I am hoping to research the organization of photographic representations of ephemeral arrt for my PhD dissertation in information organization. This stuff fascinates me!!!

  3. There’s a lot of talented art work in that alley. I also like the video and how the sounds and the brief activity in the alley add interest to the setting.

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