
Mary Wright: Painting Below Christchurch


Mary Wright, transplanted to Canada from New Zealand, is a psychiatrist and artist whose most recent work is on exhibit at Teodora Art Gallery in Toronto.  Her Below Christchurch paintings are based on the mountainous areas in New Zealand. (Above: Rare Sunny Mountain Day)


The serene and stormy Southern Alps have arisen from the core of the earth, just as parts of the City of Christchurch were destroyed by the recent earthquakes there. –Exhibition notes


Mountain Range

Mary Wright was born in New Zealand and emigrated to Canada in 1968 for postgraduate medical training in psychiatry.  While still in training, she began to study painting and later completed her diploma in Fine Art at what was then the Ontario College of Art (now OCAD University).  Her first solo show, at the offices of the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society in 1982, was a series of abstract watercolours of New Zealand west coast scenery.  Her work has been shown in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, Italy, and Chile in 16 solo exhibitions as well as many group and juried shows.

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8 thoughts on “Mary Wright: Painting Below Christchurch

  1. Very lovely! Kind of a gentle touch.
    I’ll have to see if I missed any other posts. For some reason none of my email notifications have been coming through. I checked, and everything is on OFF. Now I’m turning things ON again. “lol”

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