
John Gibson’s lyrical balls

John Gibson’s clearly defined spheres and the contemporary tones of his work have made him a popular inclusion for design magazines (see this Architectural Digest item, for example) Above: Howard, oil on linen 60 x 60 in.


The Massachusetts-based artist is fascinated with the concept of representing 3-D objects on a 2-D canvas, and explores this in his still-life paintings of balls. Above: Anniversary, oil on panel, 30 x 30 in.

gibson-3Perkins, oil on canvas, 54 x 52″

gibson-42nd Avenue and 4th Street, oil on panel 29 x 72 in

gibson6Williamsburg, oil on linen, 35 x 83 in

gibson-15 Staggered Dark & Light, oil on linen 59 x 97 in

gibson5Henshaw , watercolor on paper, 55 x 55 in

gibson-studio-shotJohn Gibson, studio shot

gibson-in-studioJohn Gibson in his studio:  “I’m always looking for this simultaneous rounding and flattening of form.”

John Gibson’s website, here.

Images are from Caldwell Snyder Gallery, here.

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16 thoughts on “John Gibson’s lyrical balls

  1. Some of these, if not all, are available commercially – the balls themselves, I mean. I sort of collect orbs (I got too make jokes aimed at me when I said I collected balls – I’ll never know why) and display them in bowls and I own one of those portrayed in painting 5. Had to share this on FB for those of my friends who know I have a “thing” for orbs and circles! 🙂

  2. I seem to be in a whimsical mood, not unlike Ripley Trout, as I love the paintings… but the Lyrical Balls sounds so wonderfully wrong 😀 Could be a great rock band name! (Must be the one beer I’ve had today speaking…) Honestly though, the paintings are lovely, innocent and quirky, especially when taken as a series. Stimulating and relaxing (the colours and the composition) at the same time

  3. Messes very nicely and gently with your head. I love it when art gives you what you miss about drugs – and without the side-effects.

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